brown animal on brown wicker mat

From the moment we bring them home, cats have a habit that often leaves us scratching our heads – the rhythmic kneading motion, fondly known as “making biscuits.” While this endearing behavior may seem playful or even affectionate, there are several fascinating reasons why cats engage in this seemingly odd habit.

1. Maternal Instincts

One of the most widely accepted theories suggests that kneading is a vestige of a cat’s innate maternal instincts. When kittens nurse, they instinctively knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk production. As cats grow older, they may continue this kneading motion as a comforting and soothing behavior.

2. Stretching and Massaging

Kneading also serves a practical purpose, helping cats to stretch and massage their muscles. The repetitive motion helps to loosen up tight muscles and joints, particularly after waking up from a nap or a period of inactivity.

3. Marking Territory

Cats have scent glands located in their paws, and kneading allows them to deposit their scent onto objects, claiming them as their own. This behavior, known as territorial marking, helps cats to feel secure and in control of their surroundings.

4. Expression of Contentment

In some cases, kneading may simply be a way for cats to express their contentment and happiness. When a cat feels relaxed and at ease, they may knead as a way of showing their appreciation for their surroundings and their human companions.

5. Stimulation and Release of Stress

Kneading can also serve as a form of self-stimulation and stress relief. The rhythmic motion can help to calm cats and release pent-up energy, making it a soothing and comforting behavior.

6. A Sign of Affection

While the primary function of kneading may be instinctual or practical, it’s important to note that it can also be a way for cats to express affection towards their human companions. When a cat kneads on you, they are essentially saying “I love you” in their own feline way.


The habit of kneading is a fascinating and complex behavior that reflects a cat’s deep-rooted instincts, practical needs, and emotional connections. Whether it’s stretching, marking territory, expressing contentment, or simply seeking affection, kneading is an endearing and integral part of the feline experience.

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